Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Reflection on LE (Day5)

What I have learnt on my last day in LE is mainly from the activity whereby our group consolidate the write up on the survey for the Learning environment, and discussed on the assessment approaches and the group members also put up some improvements by recommanding the some possible solutions to 'bridge' the gaps that we have put up in the survey reports .

And while going thru' the activity I realised that some of these recommendation actually can be used in my organisation for the improvement of my unit's learning environment.

As for the research survey bits is rather not that relavant in what I am current working on, but however I would think it has provided me with some knowledge of how these assessment survey instruments that are available be useful to improve the classes or courses.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Reflection on LE instruments (Day4 - Part2)

More works were carried out by team members in consolidating the write-up on the report for the survey. And individual groups were gather to discuss on the required information that needed to be captured in the report. With the aid of the SPSS program, the insertion of the analysed table that compute the entire course survey was neat and tidy, I felt that it is a very powerful, and it is an easy method to derive the required field scale for the survey report. Making it simple and yet accurate in the reflecting the survey results. Cool (",) !!

My Reflection on LE instruments (Day4 - Part1)

Today, what I have learnt is on the table creation for the WIHIC scale to input into the survey report for the survey by using the softwares SPSS 15.0 for windows. Good and easy to use program which we can derive the reliability scale and compared differences in the paired sample t-test.

The group came together to prepared the survey report in the given sample of the structure and items that are required. And all our efforts were to compile, complete and submit on the survey that our class did for the past 3 days in class. And the objectives are to see how we can improve for future class in taken the feedback from this class.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Interaction with Mr James Peh (Day3 - Part2)

Enriching session with Mr James make me understand on how powerful is the blogger site and other relevant free softwares on the internet site that learning enviroment can be made easy with today's Internet Technology. There are so many avialable site that I can now further explore into in getting a lot more opportunity in sharing and learning with others online for either leisure or work. And with many more similar types of learning platform that he had introduced to us; which are more user friendly in application and access. eg. the WIKI - wetpaint. Knowing now how podcast video / music files can be published to inform or educate people we know that we can shared with friends.

My Reflection in the use of LE instruments (Day3 - Part1)

Assessment of Learning environment using instruments that I have learnt today are Moo's scheme (LEI) and what is happening in this class (WIHIC). Especially with the survey questionaire designed to assess the learning environment on a particular school. Our group gather to put up on our discussion on the typical case study on a school (School A) to derive on the positive and negative feedback from the teacher using the Moo's scheme (LEI). And I also went thru' the design on the WIHIC questionaire assessment methods especially with the understanding of the striaght forward question made to derive the intended answers.

My Reflection on LE (Day2 - part2)

In the afternoon, Dr Quek went to explain on the Assessment of LE, which now I am able to further differentiate the classification of forms used. Examples are:

•Actual vs preferred forms
- “Actual” refers to one’s own experience in the leaning environment while ‘preferred’ refers to the ideal state in the classroom environment

•Class vs personal forms
- elicit an individual’s perceptions of the class (Class
- evaluate an individual’s perception or opinion of his/her
own role within the class (personal form)
(Note: These are mainly on the group perspective questionairs)

•Adaptations of instruments in different context
(note:Available in the Online web site and no requirement to reinvent the wheels.)

My Reflection on LE (Day 2 - part 1)

Good research effort by my group (GP 3) in the Rudolf Moo's Learning Environment Inventory (LEI) and the first social climate scales called Classroom Environment Scale (CES).

I have also learnt the 3 dimensions on the assessment of LE from Rudolf Moo's 3D. Namely are:

- Relationship
Extent of people involvement and support for each other

- Personal development
Direction along which personal growth and self-enhancement occur

- System maintenance and system change
Extent of which the environment is orderly

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Perspective on LE (Day 1 - part 2)

As I understand now that there are a total of FOUR Learning Environment overlapping each other at all time. Namely they are:

1. Learner-centred LE
- Environments that pay careful attention to skills, attitudes, knowledge and beliefs that learners bring to the setting
- Diagnostic teaching provides an example of starting from a structure of a child's knowledge
- Key strategy is to prompt children to explain and develop their knowledge structure
- it includes a sensitivity to the cultural practices of students and how that many affect their classroom learning

2. Knowledge-centred LE
- Got to do with the kind of info and activities that help learner develop an understanding of diciplines and enable them to tranfer their learning

3. Assessment-centred LE
- This provides the opportunities for fedback and revision and what is assessed must be congruent with one's learning goals, it is also a formative assessment & feedback, in term also speak about collaborative groups which helps to increase the quality of feedback

4. Community-centred LE
- it refers to the extent of the connection between teacher and students in a larger community

My learning moment on LE Key Concept

In order to understand the LE key concepts, what I learnt is to focus the below key pointers:

1. To describe the key components of a learning environment in my unit so that I can indentify and hopefully some improvement can be made to the current situation

2. To analyse the inter-relationships of components in my workplace enviroment especially with the peolple around

3. To differentiate various types of LE available in the Web sites by the reserchers and I hope they can help me to better improve my workplace

My Reflection on LE (Day1 - Part 1)

I have learnt the Key concepts on the learning environment and the 4-steps that constitute to a Learning Environment (LE). Basically it has to do with the Pycho-social field in education. With the layout of the chart on the Inter-relationships between Lewinnian's formula and Murray's needs-press model, it enhanced my understanding of LE much better.
To further improve my knowledge on LE, I should be going to the 'lesson box' posted by Dr Quek that more specific contents can be read.